Join us for a Live Webinar:

How On-Going Feedback Improves Your Bottom-Line

Free Webinar: How On-Going Feedback Improves Your Bottom-Line

Day: Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018
Time: 1:00pm EST, 10:00am PST
Duration: 45 minutes

If on-going feedback can directly impact your organization’s bottom-line, why is it provided so infrequently? Incredibly, over 65% of workers today feel they do not receive enough feedback. 

In this informative webinar, you will learn why on-going coaching and feedback aren’t just “nice-to-haves,” but “need-to-haves” if you want a healthy, productive work environment. 

Join us and learn: 

• How employee engagement can affect your bottom-line 
• How and when to use feedback to improve performance 
• Why feedback is considered the other "F" word 
• 3 simple steps to delivering effective feedback 



Susan Armstrong

International Speaker and Award-winning Talent Development Expert
Susan Armstrong Training

Ted Head Shot

Ted Power

Chief Customer Officer & Talent Management Professional

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