Powerful Development Tools That Work Together

The best part is, you choose what to use and when


Field Development is Possible

iCoach is on a mission to modernize coaching and development
to ensure organizations put talent first

  • 1
  • 2
    Continuous Feedback & Recognition
  • 3
    Connected Learning
    Connected Learning
  • 4
    Assessments & Certifications
  • 5
    Flexible, Mobile Solution
  • 6
    Agile Goal Setting


Coaching is a key component of any successful field development process. When managers coach, they are more connected to the business, have a greater chance of retaining their top talent, and build and maintain teams with superior skills and capabilities. A cornerstone of iCoach is its ability to enable impactful, targeted coaching throughout the year, anywhere, anytime. iCoach increases managers’ ability to coach in a focused, yet efficient, manner, resulting in a continuum of documented skills development for every team member.

Making Coaching Work:

  • Commit to a culture of coaching and don’t look back
  • Field coaching reports should facilitate the behaviors you want to see in the field (not be an administrative task)
  • Managers need expectations around coaching, including general guidelines around frequency and what “good coaching” looks like

Continuous Feedback & Recognition

On-going, real-time feedback is critical to employee growth, development, and motivation. iCoach allows managers to recognize individuals for accomplishments, offer constructive suggestions, and to create in-the-moment “mini” developmental dialogs that strengthen team connections and collective growth. Through continuous feedback and recognition, you can transform your company culture to one of open communication, enhanced teamwork, and continuous engagement.

Making Feedback & Recognition Work:

  • Employees need feedback and recognition that is timely and immediately relatable to real-time work
  • Requesting feedback is just as critical, if not more, that providing it – we just need to teach our people how
  • Make sure feedback is simple, yet detailed enough, to ensure its actionable and meaningful



Connected Learning

iCoach enables companies to maximize the ROI of training efforts/resources by integrating them into coaching interactions. Through this connection, learning assets are targeted to specific needs, readily visible, and accessible anytime to support continuous individual and team growth opportunities.

Making Learning Work:

  • Create a vibrant, living culture of learning where employee development is discussed, valued, and measured
  • Adopt the notion of actionable, “micro-learning” for greater impact and retention
  • Make sure traditionally siloed talent development processes, such as coaching and training, are seamlessly linked


Assessments & Certifications

iCoach makes assessing individuals an easier, more objective process that promotes greater self-awareness, growth, and motivation. Some of the measurement tools offered in iCoach are competency proficiency assessments, certifications, training assessments, pulse and engagement surveys, and multi-rater feedback.

Making Objective Measurement Work:

  • Incorporate a more agile approach assessments, focusing more on targeted skill development and progression and less on rating
  • Leverage technology to capture and make available someone’s coaching, feedback, and engagement activity throughout the entire year for more balanced, holistic conversations
  • Break the assessment “stigma” by showing team members how different types of objective measurements can directly support their growth and success


Flexible, Mobile Solution

You require a flexible solution, accessible across the devices your people use every day to communicate and conduct business in order to drive optimal impact and adoption throughout your organization.

Initiate/write an FCR during a ride-with using the iPad app, provide quick feedback from your phone, and/or do all of this, and more, in Outlook using the iCoach Outlook plug-in.

Making Social, Mobile Engagement Work:

  • Meet the demands of today’s workforce and drive greater engagement
  • Create an “always-on” coaching culture
  • Remember, adoption is the key to any system’s success – so make it easy and enjoyable for people to engage with one another



Agile Goal Setting

The establishment of clear, targeted, and aligned goals, which can be coached and developed against, is at the core of any successful talent management process. iCoach allows for dynamic goals that ensure organizational cohesiveness and focus towards critical business imperatives.

Through iCoach, a stream of feedback can be provided against specific goals for real-time skill growth and “course corrections” when necessary.

Making Agile Goals Work:

  • Ensure goals are “front and center” and coached to all year
  • Auto-populate goals, development and business, into FCRs to ensure they are “living” goals
  • Update and adjust goals as needed so they evolve with changing business priorities


We’re excited to meet you!

Request an iCoach demonstration today to see how we can help you build a culture of coaching, real-time feedback and continuous growth.